“It’s a huge lesson in what is law”
Excerpt from Minny, a juror at the Hall of Justice in winter 2022.
Interviewer: […] What has your experience been like on these different trials?
Minny: Um, I feel that at trial… I feel that um the chance to serve on jury duty is, is one of the biggest privilege[s] I think you can have, because you really learn about the court system. You really, really do. You know, it isn't L.A. Law. It isn't like um you see on TV, you know, um, Law and Order. I mean there’s some aspect that is true. But you know, the questioning, the uh evidence, the witnesses, the legalities and the minutias and the details are much more intricate when you're actually in court, you know. And so I think it's a huge lesson in what is law—and order, you know. Does that makes sense?
Interviewer: Right.
Minny: Because you know, when you see, when you read a newspaper, an article, you really see a blanket statement. Overly, overly done, and overly general. I mean, I think they have to, you know? But when you actually do it, it's as a huge education. And I find it surprising that a lot of people don't do it. And maybe because they're not paid for it, you know, um do you know what I mean?
Interviewer: Right.
Minny: So I can—I understand that that have that hardship. But if you can serve, I think you should serve, because it's a huge lesson in civic—and law.